He IMs me at 4h30 pm:
How’s your day going?
Ok. Better now 🙂
Can you hang out tonight?
um sure.. What were you thinking?
Maybe I can get my friend Dave to cook.
Really? How do you do that?
Special talent #143.
Just a sec.
I work in another window finishing up my work items for the week.
Um… How about a movie? I am Legend?
What happened to your special talent?
It’s not working tonight. So…movie? Sebastopol? 6h40? or 7h20?
I calculate. 6h40 gives me almost two hours to finish what I’m working on and arrive at the cinema. Backwards calculate.
6h40 – 20 minutes (time to get to the cinema) = 6h20
It’s 4h40 now. That’s one hour and forty minutes to finish and freshen.
He IMs again:
We’ll meet my friends J- and girlfriend S- there.
THAT IS NOT enough time to finish and freshen. Meet his friends!!! He tells me this at 4h40 on a Friday afternoon? What is he thinking?? Why can’t he mention it the day before. I need time. I need to prepare.
I type:
How about the 7h20?
That would let me finish my weekly workload. (I’m mentally calculating the time it’s going to take me to prepare).
Let me check. brb
OK. 7h20. At Sebastopol Cinemas.
Where’s that?
I wait.
He pastes an address in the chat window.
Two clicks I have directions from Google maps.
That was fast.
Special talent #153 🙂
OK. 7h20. I’ll see you there.
4h55. I have until 7h00 to prepare to MEET HIS FRIENDS. I’ve only known him just over a month. We’re trying to figure out where we are and what we are doing. BUT—I’m apparently meeting his friends tonight. NO PRESSURE THERE.
I’m wearing bland and frumpy things today—my favourite, comfortable brown corduroy jacket, my retro CBC T-shirt, and my extra-wide and extra comfy clown-like shoes from REI. I DO NOT FEEL special enough to be meeting his friends. Think—I tell myself. Think.
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