My Aunt and Uncle from Nanaimo visited my parents in Whitehorse in May. Mum sent some pictures. I think it was the end of May too. Look at the snow!!! There is still snow on the mountains. Beautiful. Mum takes some great pictures of the scenery. She asked in her email if we remembered where they were taken. I definitely recognize the places with the people in them and Palmer Lake. I needed some help with the ones in the middle.
How’d I do Mum?
Oh my God, those are beautiful! Is this where you grew up?
I had to change the labels around the Big Atlin Lake. My Mum chided me, “Nooo Jennifer. It’s Big Atlin Lake. What made you think it was Alaska??” I’m so American now I don’t know the difference between Yukon scenery and Alaskan scenery–aahhh.