He might like you.
You might like him.
He might like to kiss you.
You might like to kiss him.
He might ask you to be his girlfriend.
After some reflective thought and careful consideration, you might say you would be his girlfriend.
You might like that he asked you to be his girlfriend and didn’t just assume you were.
He might call you to talk about your day.
You might like that he talked a bit more about his day, but mainly you’re happy he called to ask you about yours.
He might bring you flowers because you say you like flowers.
He might invite you to meet his friends.
You might want to introduce him to your real friends, but you’re not quite sure why he’s your boyfriend.
He might pick you up at the airport after you’ve been away for two weeks at Christmas and spend the day with you in San Francisco.
You really like that he picked you up at the airport after you’d been away for Christmas.
You might like that he spent the day with you in San Francisco.
He might mention that he’s thinking of going to Tahoe for SuperBowl weekend because that’s when he normally goes–with his friend from college–and there’s really nobody on the slopes on SuperBowl weekend. And you ask if you’re invited. And he says sure. So you plan to go to Tahoe to go snowboarding. And it’s kind of exciting because it’s your first sort-of weekend away with somebody who resembles a boyfriend.
You might not to get to go snowboarding at Tahoe on SuperBowl weekend because a snowstorm closed all the roads, but you do get to spend a concentrated period-of-time together in a car driving to and from Sacramento. And you get to talk the whole time and you start to feel more like your regular Princess Donkey self. And you just start to feel slightly comfortable with the person who resembles a boyfriend. And you get to go out to a SuperBowl party with some of his friends at one of the boss’s houses.
And he might buy you some sort of random points-ratio-square for the SuperBowl game.
And you might win the random points-ratio-square for the SuperBowl game thing.
He might bring you flowers a week before Valentine’s Day.
He might finally tell his parents he has a girlfriend.
You might want to do something for him on Valentine’s Day. Something you’ve never done for anyone before–especially on Valentine’s Day. You might want to do something that would slightly embarrass him, but make him feel special at the same time. You might arrange access to his office and decorate it with silly hearts and valentine streamers and confetti and candy–just to make a statement.
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