The Largest Cock in the Land, originally uploaded by YukonJen.
Am visiting my family in Alberta this week. We’re having a laugh–or two–or three. As we were driving out the township road where my aunt and uncle live, I see this HUGE rooster statue in somebody’s front yard.
“I HAVE to take a picture of that!” I exclaim.
“What?” my aunt questions.
“You’ve never seen that rooster?”
“What rooster?” She drives by it everyday and has never really noticed the larger-than-life rooster or other animal statues in that yard.
By this time, we are already passed it and I have to explain that I’ve just seen a gorilla on a roof and the largest rooster in the history of time. AND ALL I CAN THINK of is the title for my blog entry.
My aunt and uncle smirk. “You’re a dirty girl, Jennifer.”
I laugh. “I’m pretty innocent,” I tell them.
Yeah. Right. I couldn’t resist getting my uncle to take this picture:

Riding the Largest Cock in the Land, originally uploaded by YukonJen.
Can you see the gorilla on the roof behind me?
Ha ha! Was it a fun ride? I bet you get a lot of hits with this entry.
It all reminds me of an episode of Corner Gas where they decide to build the largest… well… watch for yourself.
Awesome! Awesome title! Awesome Cock! This post has it all really… lol!!