Dave Rogers over at Urban Yukon wants to know: How has Urban Yukon affected your blogging? He is writing a story for What’s Up Yukon.
I can’t remember how I found the Urban Yukon blog ring, but it was just when I started blogging—I just checked, apparently since 22 May 2007 (I thought it was earlier!!). I do remember that I had to convince Geoff Harris that I really was part of the Yukon–even if I was living in Sonoma County, California at the time.
I’ve met a few fellow bloggers through Urban Yukon (Fawn & Michael, Dave and Carole, Kara, and Megan–to start), and when I am back in Whitehorse, I try to organize a meetup—meet real people in the real world sort-of-thing. We’ve had two blogger brunches and a toboggan party so far!
I like to browse Urban Yukon every once in awhile. I discover new blogs, new voices, and new experiences. I am reminded of the unique type of person it takes to live in the Yukon, what it is like to live there, and to be part of that community. Also, in addition to my family, a few Urban Yukoners leave comments on my blog and I remain connected to a large and important part of my life.
I now live in Lausanne, Switzerland. Writing on YukonJen keeps me grounded, remembering where my roots are. Blogging helped me discover myself, my voice, my values, and sometimes my goals. It has helped me express myself and my humour. I discover (and rediscover) my voice and I keep connected with my friends and family.
I am planning a destination wedding this year at the Atlin Inn (not exactly in the Yukon—I know, but honestly—when you have to travel half-way across the world, it’s close enough). Quite a few members of my new Swiss family and friends from different parts of our lives and different parts of the world will be making this once-in-a-lifetime journey north. I was planning to provide Urban Yukon as a key resource on for them to learn more about Yukon reality. To many Europeans, the most intriguing aspect about the Yukon and Northern Canada is the wilderness, the space, the absence of people and roads, first nations culture….Oh, and sometimes the weather—you just don’t know -40 C until you experience it—but you certainly don’t die!
Oh, Atlin! How wonderful! My family used to go there every Easter. We had a camper and, as it was our first “camping” trip of the year, we’d need to use our propane heater. Our camper was warm, and comfortable. Atlin is a great spot. The soil is different than it would be in Whitehorse – redder, I think. My sister and I used to chase rivulets of water with a stick as the snow was melting. There is definitely some high mineral content of something in the ground there.
Hurray for Urban Yukon!