I saw this bill board today walking home from downtown today. I don’t know about you, but really, the only thing it does for me is disappoint me.
I am not really a fan of Lee jeans. I found my brand a long time ago (you know–when you can go into a store, tell them the size and style–and you don’t even have to try them on?) But I can’t seem to buy them in Switzerland–and worse–I can’t even seem to find them online. Hence, why I am on the lookout for a new brand–one more available.
My main problem with this advertisement is that it just lacks creativity and connection. In a world of new media, and the internet, and a million ways to connect with your audience, it chooses to show two girls sort-of-getting-it-on. (Yawn)
How am I supposed to relate to this? Am I supposed to want to be one of those girls? Soooo not happening. On second thought, I don’t even know if this advertisement is supposed to attract men or women.
I am a 41-year-old mother of two boys. I feel I have a disproportionately large butt (disproportional to the rest of me that is). In my family, we have a love-hate relationship with our butts. We even have a term for them: the Marryat butt! (I think that could be another blog post).
I am not attracted to this advertisement. I am a real woman in the real world with real woman problems.
In this world where it is so easy to identify and reach out to potential customers, why can’t Lee jeans have a simple pair of jeans on their advertisement? With a web address where I could go try them on?
Make me feel great BEFORE I even get to the door.
I feel like telling Lee jeans: come on guys (because obviously the making of this advertisement did not have any real women involved)–come on into the 21st century. Have you learned anything in the last decade? The age of Mad Men is over. O-V-E-R-!
I don’t want you to tell me what I should look like. I don’t want to look at suggestive (to whatever gender) pictures on your billboards.
I am telling YOU! Connect with me. Ask me what I want my next pair of jeans to feel like. Make it happen.
I am woman. Hear me roar.
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