Hi Urban Yukon,
My dad called me up on Saturday night. He says: “Jennie, I’m in trouble.” I immediately get worried that something’s happened.
He says: “I lost some files. All the pictures of your mother’s quilts. We can’t find them. I even went back and did a system restore.”
I get him to tell me more about what’s happened. But they don’t know. There was a folder in the Photos directory called Quilts. It was there. Then it wasn’t there.
That file had all of the pictures of every quilt my mum has ever made. AND THEY DIDN’T HAVE BACKUPS.
I got him to look in the recycle bin. Not there. I got him to install Picasa (because Picasa sees all the media on your machine). No luck.
They’re gone.
Does anybody know what we should do? Or who we can call if there is something we can do to recover those pictures?
Any suggestions or direction.
We would really appreciate it.
Hi Jen,
A guy by the name of Darrell (?) at Computer Nerds for Hire has helped a couple people I know in the same predicament. The phone number: 668-2230.
I don’t know the guy myself, but have heard good things. (i.e. data recovery without costing an eye)
Gook Luck!
Hope your parents manage to get those files.
Geof Harries
If it’s a Mac, contact Trevor at Meadia Solutions.
Thanks guys.
Appreciate it. I’ll let you know what happens.
he probably shouldn’t have done a restore just yet. 😉
anyway, give it a try.
have a great day!@