When I lived in Whitehorse (in the 1980s), I worked as a waitress at McCrae’s Chinese Restaurant. Whenever I go back, I make sure to call my friend Yvonne and we usually have lunch or breakfast or just get together to have some fun. This year, in addition to having a bit of a McCrae reunion (but I have to blog about that later), Yvonne said: “Why don’t you come out for Sunday Mahjong? We usually have five tables or more.” So we did. My Dad, my brother-in-law, and I went out one Sunday to see what it was all about.
They start playing Mahjong around 10h00 am. We arrived and we started our very own “Very Beginner Table” table of Mahjong. Yvonne made sure each of us had a seasoned player to partner with so we could learn the ropes. We played until around 12h00 when McCrae’s brought out a very large buffet. We had to stop playing and start eating. We ate until our tummy’s hurt, then continued to play until around 3h00 when McCrae’s had to open to let real customers in for diner.
The day that I arrived, I met Pierre, who emails me Mahjong updates and various other tidbits from Whitehorse every so often. One day around Chinese New Year, he emailed me to say he’d made a t-shirt for the Whitehorse Mahjong Club. Here are some pictures:

My Dad continues to go to Mahjong Sundays…so I know there is a Mahjong Sunday tomorrow. If you’re in Whitehorse and you’re looking for something to do, go out and join the fun. I’ll vouch for Pierre’s slogan:
The Whitehorse Mahjong Club:
Good Friends
Good Food
Good Fun
Healthy addiction
[…] Last year, I came home at Christmas. It was cold for a bit, but then it warmed up for the duration of my stay. I managed to ski or walk everyday. I wound up meeting up with a friend from school — Tania Ordish and her family — and going for a ski. I also met up with my good friend Yvonne Chan. We went tobbagganing and later in the holiday, I learned how to play Majhong and met Pierre. […]