I asked my Mum how Dad proposed to her. She was a bit surprised but said: Oh. He asked me at Christmas that year.
That year? That year? What year?
Oh umm… 1964. Yes. That’s what we planned.
You planned it? I ask (a bit incredulously). You planned your own proposal?
Yes. She says matter-of-factly. We planned it at the end of October on that camping trip. Then he asked me in front of my family that Christmas Eve. With a dozen red roses or so. Then we were married at the end of July in 1965. You’ve seen the pictures.
Yes. I wasn’t born until 1972. Of course I’ve seen the pictures. A few years ago, my parents had their 40th Wedding Anniversary. I blogged about it.
PS: for inquiring minds, my oldest sister was born in 1967–two years after my parents were married. I have to ask my Dad about the romance thing.
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