Are you getting all kinds of traditional carols on the radio yet? My parents tell me there is a lot of snow in Whitehorse. It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas there at least.
Myself, I bought a string of coloured lights. My Christmas decoration investment for the year. I hung them up on the side of the window. In the morning, the J-man goes over to investigate and starts gnawing on them.
Today’s Christmas song is from one of my favourite all-time Christmas movies: Love Actually. I can’t seem to embed it, so you will have to listen to it over on YouTube: It’s when the young girl sings “All I Want for Christmas is You” at the school Christmas concert.
I could probably post a Mariah Carey version, but really, do all women in the music industry have to be naked and pole dance? I guess that is jsut a sign of me getting old. Yes, I think there is too much sex and nudity in the media. Old media. New media. Television. YouTube. Doesn’t matter. I originally liked the Love Actually version, I will link to that one.
Anyway, regardless of media and women 2011, here is a young lady who isn’t pole dancing.
I found this new version of a classic today and I am in love with it! Such a talented kid- I went and bought a copy of it too.